Four years ago today, a dear, sweet friend of mine passed from this world into the heavenly realm. Her name was Breanne and she was ten years old.
I first met Breanne when she was three, and I count it a blessing to have known her and watch her go from a shy, quiet three-year-old to a vivacious, super smart ten-year-old.
Breanne was special in many ways, but her affection and love for me was something I still marvel at today. Can there be anything on this side of heaven more beautiful than being loved by a child? I can’t think of anything.
Breanne called me Miss Lisa most of the time, and she thought I looked like Pocahontas because of my long dark hair. Words really aren’t adequate to express my love for her.
Breanne fought a long battle with cancer, and to say she experienced more than any child should experience is a gross understatement. Those of us who knew her were awed by her total unwavering belief in God and her total trust in Jesus. We could see God through her eyes, and we saw how wonderful He was.
About a year after her death, I dreamed she was alive and healthy. I was perplexed in the dream because I knew she had died; still, she was alive and I felt joy at her return. We were walking together, hand-in-hand, and it was such a happy moment. Then, I woke up and sadness gripped my heart as I realized it was all just a dream.
I still find it hard to believe she’s gone. My head knows it, but my heart still misses her. Her house seems so silent because her incredible life force is gone. There are times I remember things she said and did and laugh aloud. And, there are times I remember things she said and did and cry.
Breanne’s life was short on this earth, but she made a lasting impact on many. And, I feel certain she is entertaining Jesus as I write this blog. Like King David, I know where she is. At the death of his son, he said: “But now that he is dead, why should I go on fasting? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me.” (2 Samuel 12:23)
I think Breanne would like for me to close by saying, if you haven’t trusted Jesus as your savior, you should. Once you do, you can rest assured you’ll live forever in a place where sickness and death will be no more. “Where, O death is your victory? Where, O death is your sting?” (1Corinthians 15:55) It’s been conquered and we have all of eternity to praise God for sending our redeemer, Jesus, to give us life everlasting. I love you Breanne, and I’ll see you later.
I am sure she is entertaining Jesus!